
Online Giving

The Abundant eGiving platform is designed to enable you to contribute online and transfer funds electronically. This method of giving will provide confidentiality plus the convenience that online services offer.

  1. Click the GIVE NOW button below.
  2. Enter the amount you want to give, select a fund, choose your frequency and enter your email address.
  3. Click Continue and enter your payment information to complete the transaction.

If you have an Abundant login, you can login when prompted and use a saved payment method.

How to give a…

One Time Gift

  1. Click the GIVE BUTTON
  2. Select Amount
  3. Select Another Fund
  4. Use Fund Drop Down Menu to choose where you would like your giving to be contributed to: General Budget, Lottie Moon International Mission Offering, Annie Armstrong North Mission Offering, Alma Hunt State Missions or Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
  5. Enter Memo (Optional)
  6. Select Give Once
  7. Enter your email
  8. Select Continue
  9. Enter either your Credit or Debit Information or Bank Account
  10. Then click GIVE (Your Giving Amount will be listed with the GIVE Button.)
    *You can contribute an extra gift to help cover the processing fee, it is determined by how much you are giving. This is Optional not Required.

Recurring Gift

  1. Click the GIVE BUTTON
  2. Select Amount
  3. Select Another Fund
  4. Use Fund Drop Down Menu to choose where you would like your giving to be contributed to: General Budget, Lottie Moon International Mission Offering, Annie Armstrong North Mission Offering, Alma Hunt State Missions or Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
  5. Enter Memo (Optional)
  6. Select Give Multiple Times
  7. Select frequency: Every Week, Bi-Weekly, Once a Month, Bi-Monthly or Every 3 Months
  8. Select the Start Date
  9. If you want your payment to have an End date click the end button and Select the End Date.
  10. Enter your email
  11. Select Continue
  12. Enter either your Credit or Debit Information or Bank Account
  13. Then click GIVE (Your Giving Amount will be listed with the GIVE Button.)
    *You can contribute an extra gift to help cover the processing fee, it is determined by how much you are giving. This is Optional not Required.

Mobile Giving

When you give using your smart phone, it is simple and secure. Whether you would like to give a single gift, or schedule ongoing donations, you can do it all via your phone.

  1. Search Abundant Giving in your device’s app store and download the app (see links below).
  2. Locate our church by typing Second Baptist in the Abundant search bar. Select our church and sign in or sign up for an account.
  3. Follow the prompts to Give.
  4. Swipe up on the app screen to access your giving history, scheduled gifts, and saved payment methods.

Generosity Campaign

Generosity Campaign for 2025 – “Blessed to Give”

Below is an online pledge card you can fill out at your convenience.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

Generosity Campaign "Blessed to Give"

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” - Acts 20:35

"*" indicates required fields


As an act of worship with gratitude for Christ's generosity, I prayerfully commit my resources to His ministry.

Second Baptist Church uses the Abundant eGiving platform to allow members to give confidentially and securely online. More information can be found here on our Giving page.
Do you plan to use the eGiving platform for your giving in the coming year?*

Thank you for your prayerful commitment of your resources to Christ's ministry at Second Baptist Church.

Capital Campaign

Pledge Fulfillment Period: May 2024 – April 2027

The “Footprints” capital campaign is a three-year campaign intended 1) to eliminate our church debt, 2) to make repairs to our church facilities, and 3) to bolster our Reserve for Maintenance for future needs. We welcome you to support this vital campaign!

You can give to the “Footprints” capital campaign through the Abundant eGiving Platform. (Under “Fund,” select “Footprints Cap Campaign” in the dropdown menu.) Gifts may be made by cash, check, credit card, appreciated assets, qualified charitable distributions, etc. Thank you for your generosity!

"*" indicates required fields

I/We plan to fulfill the pledge over: (Please check how many months)
I/We plan to fulfill the pledge in a one-time gift in:
Gifts may be made by cash, check, credit card, appreciated assets, qualified charitable distributions, etc. Online gift payments can be made.

Thank you for your prayerful commitment of your resources to Christ's ministry at Second Baptist Church.

Legacy Giving

Including the church in your estate plan is a beautiful way to make a lasting gospel impact on the future of Second Baptist Church. We invite you to learn more by clicking “Legacy Giving” below.