Spiritual Formation for Adults

This world is forming us. Whether we recognize it or not, we are being shaped by the places we live, our family dynamics, where we work, the people we hang out with, the shows we binge, the news we consume, and the phones we use. We don’t just do these activities; they are doing something to us. As author John Mark Comer observes in his book Practicing the Way, the question isn’t whether you’re being formed, the question is who are you being formed into … what kind of person are you becoming?
When we become disciples, or apprentices, to Jesus Christ, we embark on a life-long journey of counter-formation, of being reshaped into the image of Jesus (2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29). Jesus is calling his disciples, ancient and modern, to experience the fullness of life that comes from being with him, becoming like him, and doing as he did. We offer a number of ways for you to connect with Jesus and with others as we keep in step with the Spirit on our journey of discipleship.
Adult Sunday School Classes
A very important component for spiritual formation at 2BC is Adult Sunday School, which takes place from 10:00 – 10:55 a.m. each Sunday. Sunday School groups are loosely organized based on your age and/or stage of life, but you should feel free to join a group where you find connection and community that encourages your spiritual formation and growth.
If you’re not already connected with one of the adult classes and would like to get plugged in, please contact Rev. Tom Mitchell.
Agape Class
- Ed. Bldg. 112
- Led by David Moore & John Austin
- Lecture & Discussion – Explore the Bible
Booker Class
- F.L.C. 103
- Led by Gail Griffey & Connie Moe
- Lecture & Discussion – Smyth & Helyws
Cross Trainers Class
- F.L.C. 246
- Led by Kathy & Wayne LaPlante
- Bible Study & Discussion
Faith Forgers Class
- Ed. Bldg. 116
- Led by Jen Flinchum & Anne Friddell
- Women of All Ages
- Explore the Bible
Joy Class
- Ed. Bldg. 201
- Led by Pat & Martha Turner
- Lecture & Discussion – Explore the Bible
Layering Stories Class
- Ed. Bldg. 124
- Led by Dayna Schoonmaker
- Bible Study & Discussion
Life Together Class
- Ed. Bldg. 122
- Led by Bev Carroll
- Bible Study & Discussion
Living Word Class
- Large Conference Room
- Led by Bill Hobbs
- Lecture & Discussion
Faith Walk Class
- F.L.C. 248
- Led by Emily Boddy
- Bible Study & Discussion
Sanctuary Choir Class
- Commons Glass Meeting Rm
- Led by Bill Bateman
- Bible Study & Discussion
Second Shepherds Class
- F.L.C. 104
- Led by Darden Battle, Pat Helton & Jack Gates
- Lecture & Discussion – Explore the Bible
Serendipity Sisters Class
- Ed. Bldg. Parlor
- Led by Ann Pryor
- Women of All Ages
- DVD Series & Discussion
Young Adult Class
- Ed. Bldg. 122
- Led by Chris Hulburt and John Bishop
- College-age or their 20s
- Lecture & Discussion

Small Groups
Human beings are made in the image of a relational God; we are made for community (Gen. 2:18). As John Wesley famously said, and formatively held to, “the Bible knows nothing of solitary religion.” As author Paul Banks observes, “The gospel is not a personal matter. … It is a community affair. To embrace the gospel, then, is to enter into community.”
Whether you call them “small groups”, “life groups”, “community groups”, or something else, if you want to start one or be part of one contact Rev. Tom Mitchell.
Discipleship Cohorts
In collaboration with The Wellness Center, we frequently offer discipleship cohorts that meet once a week and may last from 5-10 weeks. In these cohorts, we walk together deeply through studies such as:
- Life’s Healing Choices: Freedom from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits
- Emotionally Healthy Discipleship
- Practing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become Like Him, Do As He Did
- Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer
Come journey with us in the next discipleship cohort.
Our Emotionally Healthy Spirituality cohorts upon the completion of the program.

MidWeek Formation and Discipleship
As part of 2BC’s Midweek engagement opportunities, we have a weekly time of “Formation and Fellowship” on Wednesday nights, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Room 246 of the Family Life Center. Come journey with us in the next Midweek discipleship cohort.
Monday Bible Study
Come join us for Bible Study on Monday mornings from 10:00–11:30 a.m., in FLC 246. We will study many of Jesus’ parables and consider what they teach us about: God’s unconventional wisdom, God’s uncompromising expectations, the certainty of an ultimate day of reckoning, and Jesus’ own description of our uncommon God.
All are welcome! Workbooks will be available for those who want one. Any questions, please email Margaret Bargatze.

Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study group meets in person from 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. on Monday nights. We invite those men who are interested in studying the Scriptures to join this small group of learners. We meet in the Commons Area of the Family Life Center. Enter through the main entrance (glass doors on the Gaskins Road-side of the church).
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry, led by Robinette George, at Second Baptist Church invites individuals to join on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, upstairs in the Family Life Center near room 248. Those interested in learning to knit or crochet are warmly welcomed, and yarn is provided for anyone wishing to create items for donation to various missions. Follow Learn More for more information and downloadable patterns.

the heARTfulness Studio
The heARTfulness studio holds limitless possibilities of creating! Join us for an open studio … or join us for a class with an outside artist sharing their passion and medium … or contact us about using the space with a community or church group. Come and create!
Check us out on facebook to find an archive of photos and events. We will keep current events posted there and also share glimpses of the creative art made during our classes and open studios. Follow the Learn More to see The calendar of planned events that will be updated as ideas are created and their details finalized.