Legacy Giving and Legacy Fellowship
When we make a legacy gift to the church, it binds us in Christian fellowship with our contemporaries as well as future Christians. Thus, our legacy giving ministry is called the Legacy Fellowship. Anyone who includes Second Baptist Church in their estate plans is part of the Legacy Fellowship. No minimum amount is required.
Why Would I Give a Legacy Gift?
We give legacy gifts because we love our church and we want to participate in its future ministry. Including the church in our estate plan is a beautiful way to make a lasting gospel impact. There are so many ways that a legacy gift to the church will impact future generations of Christians. Consider this story from our Senior Pastor, Dr. Noel Schoonmaker.
“Back in 2010, I attended an out-of-town conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, the city where my parents grew up and the city where my grandparents still lived. I left the meeting early that night to visit my grandparents’ house before driving back home. But since I was unfamiliar with the area where the meeting was held, I ended up getting lost. In the disorienting darkness, I drove aimlessly for several minutes before seeing a church ahead on the left-hand side. As I drew nearer, I realized it was the church where my grandparents had been members for over 60 years. I was thrilled to see it shining in the flood lights because it was on the road that led to my grandparents’ house, and I knew I’d be able to find my way from there. I sighed in relief and thought to myself, ‘If not for that church, I wouldn’t know the way.’
Then it hit me. If not for that church, I might not know the way. That church is where my grandparents worshipped for decades. It’s where my mother learned about Jesus as a little girl and was baptized. It’s where she was taught John 3:16 and Psalm 23, scriptures she taught me when I was a child, scriptures I now teach my own children. As I continued driving, I thanked God for that church and all it means to my grandparents, my parents, and me. I have since thanked God for every donation that has kept that church standing year after year.”
There may come a night, years from now, when a baby in our church has grown into a forty-something who is driving down River Road and notices Second Baptist Church in the floodlights, the church that taught her the way. A legacy gift won’t just help us keep the lights on for her; it will help us shine the light of the gospel for generations to come.
Where Should I Direct My Legacy Gift?
Here are three options to consider. If you prefer to direct your legacy gift to a different area, please let us know. You can click “Contact Us” below.
Annual proceeds from our general endowment fund are applied by the Finance Committee in various ways for the good of the church. Directing legacy gifts to the General Endowment Fund is a great way to bless future generations and a great way to continue giving after you are no longer able to give.
Annual proceeds from our Missions Endowment Fund are disbursed by our Missions Council to support a variety of Christian missions both near and far. Although this endowment fund grows regularly due to the cell tower contract that supports it, legacy gifts to this fund are welcome.
Another option is to make an undesignated estate gift that is simply offered to Second Baptist Church. In this case, the Finance Committee would apply the gift in whatever way is most beneficial to the church at the time the gift is received.
Our beautiful and expansive campus features seven buildings with approximately 135,000 square feet. Since they regularly need repair and remodeling, legacy gifts directed to facilities improvements can empower the church to move forward in serving the next generation of believers that will walk these halls of faith.
How Do I Give a Legacy Gift?
If you are interested in making a legacy gift, one idea would be to tithe your estate. As in many churches, our members at Second Baptist are encouraged to give ten percent of their income to the church operating budget (see Malachi 3:10). Likewise, some members may choose to give ten percent of their estate to the church. Second Baptist Church gladly accepts legacy gifts in any proportion or amount, and in a variety of forms, including the following.
- Bequests through Wills
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Beneficiary Designation in a Retirement Plan
- Gift Through Living Trust
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Remainder Interest in a Personal Residence or Real Estate Property
- Gift of Life Insurance
- Cash Contributions
We encourage you to consult your estate attorney, accountant, financial planner, or family members about these matters.
If you have already included Second Baptist Church in your estate plan, please let us know so that we can add you to the Legacy Fellowship. You may contact our Financial Administrator, Lisa Davis, at lisa.davis@secondbaptistrva.org or 804.740.7101.
If you have questions or would like to discuss making a legacy gift, feel free to contact our Legacy Fellowship coordinators, Mr. Mark Boddy (804.614.5274) or Dr. Sallie Cook Stokes (804.784.5945).
Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Noel Schoonmaker, is always delighted to speak with you about this. You may reach him at nschoonmaker@secondbaptistrva.org or 804.740.7101.
We warmly invite you to join the Second Baptist Legacy Fellowship!