The Sanctuary
Sunday Worship at 11:00 am
Worship in The Sanctuary is intergenerational, participatory, and focused on God. We celebrate the good news of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit through prayer, music, and the spoken word. Preaching is scripturally based and can enlighten, comfort, confront, and inspire us.
Choral and instrumental music is prevalent throughout the service, as is congregational song. Choirs of all ages sing carefully chosen sacred texts set to music from a variety of traditions. Handbell choirs, instrumental ensembles, the pipe organ, and other musicians enliven our singing and worship throughout the year.
The ordinance of believer’s baptism is practiced throughout the year, and on the first Sunday of each month, we observe the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper. We recognize most liturgical seasons (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Pentecost, etc.), and are guided thematically by sermon series from our Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Schoonmaker.

Our dream is that every single person who comes to a worship service would be actively participating in what God is doing at 2BC and in the community – to be connected, growing and serving:
Connected in vibrant relationships: first a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, and also meaningful relationships with other people at 2BC.
Growing in our faith and obedience to Jesus: becoming more like Him, experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit, discovering our gifts and expressing them.
Serving God and serving others: at 2BC, in our neighborhoods, at our jobs and our schools, and in our homes.