Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting
The Prayer Shawl Ministry invites individuals to join on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., upstairs in the Family Life Center near room 248. Those interested in learning to knit or crochet are warmly welcomed, and yarn is provided for anyone wishing to create items for donation to various missions.
For 18 years, the ministry, under the leadership of Robinette George, has been dedicated to knitting and crocheting blankets, shawls, lap robes, hats, scarves, prayer squares, and washcloths to support church members during significant moments in their lives. These handcrafted items offer comfort during times of illness and joy during celebrations. In addition to supporting 2BC members, the ministry donates these items to various missions, including those in West Virginia, Loaves and Fishes, Youth Graduations, and Baby Dedications.
The ministry also accepts donations of sewing, knitting, and crocheting materials to support its efforts.
For more information or any questions, contact Robinette George at (804) 647-9195, Tiffany Dawson at (804) 938-9926, or Vickie Ritter at (804) 347-3815.