Dear Church Family,

A couple of years ago, I sensed an emerging need to add another full-time ministry position to our staff here at Second Baptist Church. Since we have a sizable and growing congregation that includes a considerable population of senior adults, I specifically sensed a need for a full-time Minister of Senior Adults and Congregational Care.

Around the same time, Rev. Dr. Ben Brown and I were conversing about his evolving sense of call. Although Ben had previously sensed that his call was to become a pastor of a church, he was beginning to sense that God might want him to remain at Second Baptist longer. At the same time, he still felt called to move beyond student ministry.

Given the church’s emerging need for a full-time Minister of Senior Adults and Congregational Care, and given Ben’s evolving sense of call, it seemed that God was providing an opportunity to connect the two. So, Ben and I discussed the possibility of him shifting to a ministry focused on senior adults and congregational care. He was not only open to the possibility but enthusiastic about it. So was I. 

Ben is highly qualified for such a ministerial position, given that he holds a Master of Divinity, a Doctor of Ministry, and has multiple units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), which is pertinent to ministries of congregational care, hospital visitation, pastoral counseling, and the like. Additionally, many who know Ben recognize that he relates very well to senior adults as well as teenagers.

With all this in mind, during the budgeting process last year I asked the Budget Committee to include in the 2025 church operating budget a provision for a full-time Minister of Senior Adults and Congregational Care. The Budget Committee approved the funds, and the church later voted to approve the budget. Therefore, the current church operating budget provides for a new full-time Minister of Senior Adults and Congregational Care. 

As Senior Pastor, I believe the best course of action is to move Ben into the new position of Minister of Senior Adults and Congregational Care, and to search for a new full-time Minister of Students. Since this change relates to filling a new full-time ministerial staff position, it seems appropriate to ask the church to approve it.

Therefore, on Sunday, March 30 at 4:00 p.m., we will hold a Special Called Business Meeting in the Children’s Ministry Building Assembly Room for the sole purpose of voting on a recommendation for Rev. Dr. Ben Brown to shift from Minister of Students to the new position of Minister of Senior Adults and Congregational Care. As always, all church members are invited and encouraged to attend.

If the church votes to approve this change, then Ben would continue serving as Minister of Students until he begins his sabbatical leave on April 21 per our church Employee Handbook. At that time, we would have interim leaders ready to serve our students during the transition period. We would also begin searching for a new full-time Minister of Students. Since I have already completed the list of nominees for a Student Minister Search Committee, I would simply contact them, ask them to serve, finalize the list of committee members, and present those names to the church for a vote of approval (all of which accords with our church policies and procedures). Thereafter, the search committee would prayerfully begin seeking an excellent new full-time Minister of Students. Meanwhile, when Ben returns from sabbatical leave in mid-June, he would begin serving as Minister of Senior Adults and Congregational Care.

Ben and I sense God’s providence in this development, and we appreciate your consideration. Our goal is to continue ministering to our students, our seniors, and the entire congregation with the love of Jesus Christ.

The Lord bless you and keep you!

In Christ,

Pastor Noel Schoonmaker

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