When: Midweek Wednesdays from 6 – 7 p.m., September 4 – November 20.
Where: Family Life Center, Room 246
Join us for a practical and absorbing introduction to spiritual formation. Here, we will engage the abiding challenge for every follower of Christ – What does it mean to be a disciple, or an apprentice, to Jesus? Practically speaking, how do we do this?
The Practicing the Way Course features teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. The Course is the on-ramp to the spiritual disciplines that Jesus modeled, and the early church practiced.
Through the course, you’ll form a foundational understanding of intentional spiritual formation. We’ll explore how to follow Jesus in our busy, distracted, and increasingly secular culture.
A Companion Guide (study guide) will be provided free for each participant. We recommend buying the book https://www.amazon.com/dp/0593193822/ and following along as we do the course, but that is not required.
Please register so we can give you access to the free resources available through https://www.practicingtheway.org/.
Practicing the Way Course